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2 mins
NSA spying continues
In further NSA spying news, a secret US court has yet again come down in favor of the NSA’s controversial phone snooping program.
3.5" Internal hard drive.
3 mins
The Equation Group, hard drives and the Death Star of malware
Researchers at Kaspersky Lab have uncovered a new cyber-espionage toolset that possesses more than a passing resemblance to similar...
Fingers typing on a keyboard.
2 mins
Hacktivism and vandalism were the main motivations for DDoS attacks last...
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are growing in size, frequency and complexity, according to the latest Annual Infrastructure...
3 mins
Is ransomware the greatest highway robber of the 21st century?
The days of a Dick Turpin type of character pulling you over on the side of the road and...
Canadian flag with computer code.
3 mins
Breaking borders: Canadian spy agency tracks users worldwide
They're friendly; courteous. Love hockey, maple syrup, and poutine. Are unfailingly polite, eh, and while willing to stand up...
North Korean flag with binary code overlay.
2 mins
NSA tapping into North Korea
The National Security Agency had been tapping into North Korea's networks for many years, even prior to the Sony hacks.
4 mins
The KooZoo camera app: It’s a jungle out there
KooZoo is an app that allows you to turn your own smartphone into a secret recording device. This has caused some concerns over privacy.
3 mins
No Wi-Fi, no problem: Hackers go low-tech to steal your data
This article was originally published on January 22, 2015. The risks of using an unprotected, unencrypted Wi-Fi network are well-documented....
Vector hand holding smartphone.
3 mins
“Bring your own device” to work: Is it worth it?
BYOD comes with numerous privacy risks.
2 mins
Internet Systems Consortium site hacked
This week the Internet Systems Consortium ( was hacked and visitors were redirected to a site distributing harmful malware.

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