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If the debate over digital privacy were a TV show, this...
Edward Snowden has been portrayed in media by a number of talented actors. But what about other figures in digital privacy?
Streaming sports? Use a VPN for added security
Experts warn over 50% of live sports streaming sites contain malware.
How to secure your Bitcoins and prevent irrecoverable wallet loss
Your Bitcoin wallet is like a Swiss bank account in your pocket. It’s not easy for others to view...
5 ways online services manipulate you
We explore common tactics that internet services use to sell you things you might not have chosen otherwise.
How the EU made life harder for Netflix
Netflix made waves earlier this year when it announced streaming services in an additional 130 countries. Suddenly whole new...
Win Dad an ExpressVPN subscription for Father’s Day
**This competition is now closed and the winners have been notified. But if you didn't win, don't worry! An...
How to replace old or damaged hard drives securely
If you are like most other computer users, you’ll rarely throw away or delete data. And with disk space...
How to stop advertisers from tracking your browsing habits
The primary ways of de-anonymizing users on the internet is through the use of cookies and personal information. Web sites...
Calling all Android users! ExpressVPN 5.0 for Android is now available
ExpressVPN for Android has always been great, but now it’s even better! We’re excited to announce the release of ExpressVPN...
How Craig Wright definitely didn’t prove he is Satoshi Nakamoto
Craig Wright is not the inventor of Bitcoin, at least not judging by the poor and fabricated evidence he...