Helping to keep the internet open in challenging times

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Wars, conflicts, and turmoil increase censorship and restrictions on internet access. Right now, the obvious urgency is providing unrestricted, yet protected, internet access to citizens in Ukraine, Russia, and other war-affected areas.

As always, we welcome organizers and journalists, including citizen journalists and individuals supporting the situation on the ground, currently in an oppressive situation who need secure, uncensored internet access, to get in touch. Tell us how a VPN will help you in your mission to help others or support freedom of information via so we can help with VPN access.

Growing demand for secure, uncensored internet access

As a VPN provider that gives its users secure, uncensored access to the internet, we are only all too aware of the growing demands to provide such protection—and the need has never been more urgent. 

In recent weeks, we’ve watched the Russian government accelerate its attempts to control the flow of information among its people and its neighbors by suppressing news reports and blocking social media. This is antithetical to our mission to ensure everyone has access to the free and open internet. 

Over the last decade, we’ve seen in our close work with journalists and activists how critical it is to have access to tools for staying connected and protected. And recent events have made it clearer than ever before that citizen journalism via social media plays a critical role during times of conflict. 

Free access to social media and the broader internet is crucial for citizens to connect, organize, and overcome oppression—and we exist to be part of the solution.

Read more: Safety resources: Stay secure amid oppression

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