Globe with sunglasses under spotlights.
4 mins

What to do when you accidentally go viral

So you’ve gone viral. Maybe it was intentional, but it most likely wasn’t. Either way, the cat’s out of the bag and your pretty...
Jailbreaking iOS
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What is jailbreaking on iPhone?

Don't jailbreak your iOS device. Modifying your device makes it easier for others to manipulate its software.
Graduation hat but with a tablet.
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How to use technology in the classroom: benefits and impact

Technology in education systems comes with a couple of significant obstacles, but as with previous technologies, also presents some opportunities that we would be...
TikTok logo with a slash.
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The U.S. Restrict Act explained

Find out what the Restrict Act has to do with TikTok, what detractors are saying about the legislation, and whether it's relevant to VPN use.
Geo pin tied to a string
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Best AirTag alternatives for Android and iPhone

AirTags are great for keeping tabs on your stuff, only if you use an iPhone. Check out these AirTag alternatives for all devices.
Phone with location pin and luggage handles.
Video post
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How to track your own luggage

Love to travel but hate lost luggage? You might want to consider including a tracker device in your suitcase. Our two-minute video will show you how it works.
Paper being folded in half, like Moore's Law.
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A toast to Gordon Moore, an inspiration to human ingenuity

Among his achievements, Moore's Law is perhaps his more influential contribution to our everyday digital technologies.
Attacks from multiple places at the same time.
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7 examples of the biggest DDoS attacks

Including that time Twitter, Netflix, and Spotify all went down.
Tech Friend column on the security of password managers.
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Tech Friend: What makes password managers safe?

They’re very secure—even if they get hacked. Find out why.
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What reality TV shows are Australians watching?

We've rounded up the top-rated shows that Aussies can't get enough of.

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